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News and Events

Recent Congregational Joys

Eleven ladies from the First Christian Church of Stroud traveled to Tulsa this past weekend to attend the Extraordinary Women’s Have Faith Conference. They enjoyed great praise music, powerful speakers including Tim Tebow and wonderful fellowship together. Check out the photos on our Facebook page!

Go check out our Facebook page, like any family, that’s where we put our most current stuff! 😉



Sunday Services

Every Sunday
9:45 Sunday School for all ages
10:45 Worship
with Children’s Moment and separate service. Volunteer-staffed nursery available.

At FCC Stroud the observance of the Lord’s Supper is a regular part of our weekly worship. It offers a specific moment for reflection and repentance and allows for a rededication of our faith and its allegiance to Jesus, our Lord.

Visitors and friends are always invited and warmly welcomed. Come see what’s happening here!

Upcoming Events

Every Wednesday
Bring your Bible (or not) and join us at 3pm every Wednesday in the Fellowship Hall for a casual and friendly Bible Study

Women’s Monthly Community-Wide Luncheons
Ladies! Don’t forget the ongoing Ladies Fellowship Luncheon, every 3rd Wednesday of each month, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.. Good food and wonderful fellowship with a timely devotion. Unless otherwise detailed in our weekly Sunday update, the Noon Luncheon will be in our
Fellowship Hall.